Astrallis Primary Directions & Astrology Software is a powerful tool designed to calculate primary directions in zodiac studies, based on widely acknowledged systems. The software is created to offer you suitable tools for astrological forecasts and personalized readings for individual, based on the date of birth and location.
Astrological systems and keys
Astrallis Primary Directions & Astrology Software offers comprehensive tools for estimations and analysis, such as In Mundo, Zodiacal Conjunctions, Direction to the Angles, Mondo Parallels or Mundo Rapt Parallels. Various charts and sky maps allow you to determine future events for the selected individual.
The application can perform the calculations based on three different methods, corresponding to ancient schools, such as Placidus, Regiomontanus and Pole Placidus. Each system supports several keys, including Ptolemy, Naibod, Kolev, Cardano, Kepler, Placidus or Placidus in Zodiac.
Moreover, the software can easily generate reports based on the sky charts or the tables of planets’ location indicators. Each calculation can be customized based on the birth date, geographic coordinates and dynamic time for a particular person.
Tables and charts
Astrallis Primary Directions & Astrology Software can calculate charts and positions for the celestial bodies at the person’s birth, can estimate primary and secondary directions, progressions and solar returns.
The “position” tables include the indicators for the Sun, the Moon, the planets in the Solar system and large stars such as Fortunae, Lilith, Algol, Maia, Alnilam, Sirius, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut.
Moreover, it can calculate Zodiac aspects based on the location of each planet/major star with relevance in predictions astrology. Individual reports can be generated for each table or chart.
Predictions and phenomena
Astrallis Primary Directions & Astrology Software is a comprehensive application, which offers a multitude of calculation algorithms, for determining Primary Directions. The purpose of the program is to predict and possibly control future events, based on certain constants, such as the movements of the celestial bodies.
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What’s New In Astrallis Primary Directions Astrology Software?
System Requirements For Astrallis Primary Directions Astrology Software:
Midi In
Sends electronic messages over network when connected to a computer with network sound card (MIDI enabled computer). Plug it in between your MIDI keyboard or sound module and your computer.
WARNING: Do not play this audio file if you are using headphones. It can cause damage to your hearing and/or head, and even result in permanent hearing damage. Just don’t do it.
IE 9+
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